Seminar - How to get success as a Fisher of Men
Simon Jacobsen has a simple and clear teaching, which is incredibly motivating. Emphasis is put on an evangelical lifestyle, where one is focusing on reaching the lost. The audience become inspired and will want to become fishers of men.God called Simon Jacobsen to launch GOD Channel in Scandinavia in 1995. He shares his experiences on how to reach people with the gospel today. Among others, he led several businessmen to salvation, including two neighbors.
Through Christian TV several hundreds have been saved in Scandinavia during the last 15-20 years, but the personal testimony in everyday life is still important.
Why are more people not getting saved in Denmark?
Why is it so hard to reach the Danes with the gospel?
These are three possible causes:
1. It may be because of 'the deceitfulness of riches' Jesus speaks of in Matt. 13:22 - that people are so busy in life, that they do not have time to seek God.
2. Or maybe they have been vaccinated against Christianity. They probably have not experienced living Christianity, but rather cultural Christianity maybe in the Lutheran Church, or ‘the dark and judgmental Christianity', which is known in Denmark from the book by Hans Kirk, 'The Fishermen'.
Many have never met living Christianity. If you talk to people about God, they equate their past experiences with what is being said.
3. A third reason may be that living Christians do not allow their light to shine brightly enough.
Are you living a life that is worth copying?
Have you learned how to present the gospel properly?
Are you a fisher of men, in the real meaning of the word?
How to get success as fisher of men
You can learn to become a fisher of men and be really good at it. Hundreds of people have learned it during Simon Jacobsen's seminar, which he has held around Scandinavia.
Do you want to help Jesus seek and find the lost?
There are two phrases that are basic for the teaching: Luke 19:10, where Jesus says: "The Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost."
The question is: "Will you help Jesus to seek out the lost?" If the answer is yes, then Jesus wants to teach you from Matthew 4:19, "Come, follow me, and I will make you a fisher of men."
Jesus taught the disciples for three years, and they became skilled fishers of men. The same experience is for you, if you want to learn and practice “human fishing”.
Any task that we must solve requires time. What is the reason that we do not have the time?
We all have time to reach people for Jesus, but we just use our time for something else.
Maybe it's not so much time, but a lack of passion to see people be saved.
Jesus said: Go out - for many this is a big step out of their 'comfort zone'.
The Bible says that we have to open our mouth and God will fill it - so expect that He will give you the words to say.
If you want to win people to Jesus, pray this prayer: Jesus, lead me to people who are open to the gospel, those who today cry out to you. Without prayer you will not receive an answer to prayer.
Each type of fish require separate fish hook
The teaching is based on how Jesus and the disciples won different types of people to the gospel. In his childhood, Simon Jacobsen learned that each type of the fish he wanted to catch required different types of fish hook. The same applies to human beings. There are different ways to reach different types of people with the gospel.
The response to the instruction:
It is earthy, inspirational, motivational and also provocative.
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